Boudoir Photo Experience in Shay’s Words

woman wearing navy blue lingerie sitting on a step with pampas for her Toronto Luxury boudoir photo experience

I’m thankful to Shay for sharing her Boudoir Photo Experience with all of us!  I think it is so important to hear the reasons why you gorgeous lady’s choose to do a luxury boudoir photoshoot with Gibson Boudoir!  Hear what Shay has to say in her own words!

Shay’s Luxury Boudoir Photo Experience in Toronto

woman wearing rust coloured bodysuit with pampas luxury boudoir photography session
My whole life I was the “skinny” one; or so I was told and praised for. Coming in at a measly size 0 and never having to worry about what I ate, or if I exercised. Society had convinced me into thinking that being skinny made for a better body; a healthier body; a sexier body; a more acceptable body. But at this time in my life, it was definitely not when I felt my most beautiful or comfortable in my own skin. The value on my body and the image I had of myself was at an all time low. Having come out of a traumatic childhood and many disrespectful romantic relationships in my teens and early 20’s, I needed to find my way back to loving myself; on the inside and the outside.

A Journey of Self Love

Fast forward to years later, I had started a journey of self love and healing of both my mind and body, and was so blessed to find a partner that respected and loved me for who I was. It was a transformative and beautiful time in my life. I was living for me and enjoying every bit of it.
Motherhood became the next part of my story, which was both amazing and incredibly difficult all at the same time. It changes you in a way both mentally and physically, that you can’t quit prepare for. It is the hardest, most beautiful, most rewarding thing you’ll ever do. But then asks even more of you to really work hard to find yourself again.
At this time, my body transformed into one that didn’t feel like it was my own. I didn’t recognize my physical self any more, and found it difficult to feel sexy or beautiful. I was searching again for the self love that I knew existed in me, and that I really deserved.
woman in a bathtub laughing with pampas. boho style boudoir photography

The Sign I Needed to Have for my Boudoir Photo Experience

So when I recently connected with Amanda about doing a Boudoir photo experience; I thought maybe this was the sign I needed.
I had been wanting to do one for years’; always seeing other women’s shoots and hoping that my body would be “good enough” to book one. Expecting that if my body didn’t look “perfect”, that the after photos wouldn’t be sexy or beautiful. So I kept saying “one day”, because I didn’t feel it was the right time yet.
But why do we hold onto “yet”?
Why do we let this control us, and stop us from doing the things that make us feel good?
If only I could tone my arms and legs a little more.
If only I could lose 10 more pounds;
If only I could get rid of the extra belly fat that I put on post children and now during perimenopause.
If only; if only; if only….
We hold onto these notions and we let them weigh us down.
Why do we believe that this amazing body of ours isn’t good enough? When really, it is a miracle!
My body has carried me through the darkest years of my life. She brought me two beautiful sons, and saved me when I almost died in 2015.  She is amazing, and she is powerful, and she deserves so much more love and respect.

Nerves, Fears and Reservations Leading up to My Boudoir Photo Experience

After taking the time to really explore why I was holding myself back; I spoke with Amanda about my nerves, my fears, my reservations… and she assured me that this was all normal, and it was time for me to jump two feet in and really see how beautiful I could feel. And she wasn’t wrong…

Not only did Amanda help prepare me for the shoot ahead of time, with suggestions of bringing items that made ME feel sexy and beautiful. She also had many other options available on hand; all of which helped to accentuate my figure and make me feel great!

My Boudoir Photo Experience Session Day!

Blonde woman wearing a rust coloured bodysuit for her luxury Toronto Boudoir photo experience
From the time I set foot in the studio (which was STUNNING!), I felt a calm and ease that immediately set the tone for the day.
Amanda took her time to talk through everything I wanted out of the shoot and the after photos. She made sure to make every single part feel comfortable and lighthearted.
She explained all aspects of the day and led me over to get glammed up. Wow, was she amazing and FAST! I was shocked at how quickly she was able to make me feel like an absolute queen, with such professional hair and makeup! She really is a magician!
Now it was time to start shooting.
*Ok…deep breaths….*
I slipped into something sexy and tried my best to believe I looked good in it, without letting intrusive thoughts get in.
Immediately I felt comfortable with Amanda’s direction. I was so grateful for her gentleness when it came to changing into new outfits, helping me pose in positions that she knew would look the best, and complimenting me throughout. She would get really excited when we got “the shot”, and seeing the sneak peaks was so validating! It only helped further make me feel confident to keep going.
I also can’t even express how much fun it was! The more I got into the shoot, the time flew by with lighthearted ease. We had so many laughs throughout the day and special moments of reflection. And *gasp*, to my surprise…I loved every minute!

After my Boudoir Photo Session

I will forever be grateful to Amanda for convincing me to do this for myself. Her very thoughtful ways of getting me prepared mentally before the shoot; helping make me feel beautiful with hair and makeup; her kind words and gentle way of leading me into poses. If not for all of this, I truly don’t believe this day would’ve been as transformative. Because it was never just about the photos; it was so much more.
It was about feeling beautiful.
Finding love within myself again.
Taking risks.
Seeing my body for the amazing vessel she is.
Feeling confident.
Knowing that I am more than a mother.
Allowing myself to feel sexy again.
After the photoshoot, I was anxious to see how the photos turned out, but Amanda continued to assure me that they were “GORGEOUS AND AMAZING”! She never faltered once in making me feel like it was the most incredible shoot, and told me I would be really pleased. And again, she was right!
woman holding a beige towel sitting in a bathtub with pampas all around

In Conclusion!

Once I received the album (which was so fast), I was blown away by how beautiful I felt in the photos. She was really able to capture through her lens such a whimsical, fun, yet sexy side of me; leaving me feeling really proud and thankful that I did the shoot.
Life doesn’t wait for anyone, so stop getting in your own way and do it now.
Take the risk and do the thing.
Go on that trip.
Change your career path.
Leave a relationship that no longer serves you.
Eat the cake.
Wear the bathing suit.
woman wearing white lingerie with a backlight for her boudoir photos
Ready to unleash your inner goddess and have a blast doing it? Book a boudoir photography experience with me, Amanda Gibson of Gibson Boudoir, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Picture this: a day filled with laughter, confidence-boosting pampering, and posing like a fierce queen. We’ll play your favorite tunes, sip on some bubbly, and capture your most stunning, sexy, and empowering moments. It’s more than just a photo session; it’s a celebration of you, in all your fabulous glory. So, let’s make some magic together and create photos that will leave you feeling like the badass you truly are!
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